New Book Launch - Testing of the Plastic Deformation of Metals

Published on 5 May 2021
This is the best book on metal plasticity I have ever seen. It is the most authoritative text available, and yet the most understandable.... The coverage of stresses, strains and continuum plasticity through to every conceivable test technique is the most comprehensive available.

Professor Mark Rainforth - The University of Sheffield

The subject matter is very important, but deceptively challenging. Existing textbooks do not cover it carefully enough. The authors have done a tremendous job to explain salient points with much-needed rigor and a great deal of style

Prof. Roger reed - The University of Oxford

While their treatment is comprehensive, Clyne and Campbell have kept the focus on essential topics and have produced a highly readable book that promises to be an instant classic. The book is authoritative and tutorial and will be welcomed by students and practicing engineers alike

Professor William D. Nox - Stanford University

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