High-temperature testing made simple

The PLX-HotStage module delivers metal stress-strain curves quickly and easily at temperatures up to 800°C

Photo showing the PLX-HotStage close up

Super hot, actionable data, fast

The PLX-HotStage's automated testing process delivers high-temperature results in minutes, streamlining complex processes and removing the testing bottleneck from material research and development.

800°C heating

Test metallic materials across a range of temperatures in minutes, with instant results.

Test samples >3mm

Test directly on real components and samples, bypassing the need for costly tensile testing specimens.

Results in 30 minutes

Optimise testing workflows with a straightforward, automated testing process and user-friendly interface, all from a compact and portable device.​

a man in a suit and tie standing in front of a white background
Picture of a hand holding a density cube

Big data from small things

The PLX-HotStage’s ability to test small samples unlocks entirely new insights from traditionally difficult-to-test specimens whilst minimising material waste.

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Minimum sample size 3 mm thick and 10 mm lateral

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Maximum sample size 9 mm thick and 25 mm lateral

Effortless Integration

The PLX-HotStage seamlessly integrates with your existing PLX-Benchtop in minutes, giving you ultimate workflow flexibility.

Product demonstration


Read more about how PIP can be integrated into your workflows.

Ready to explore further?

Join our team of application engineers to discuss how the PLX-HotStage can streamline your materials testing workflow.​