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Tensile testing metal AM parts can quickly drain your time and budget. With significant material requirements and long lead times, a single test can hold up your entire project.
By testing in-house with PIP on the PLX-Benchtop, a
leading additive manufacturing OEM saves over
$125k annually on testing and material costs alone,
compared with tensile testing.
Fill in the calculator below to see what you could save by
implementing PIP into your workflows.
Due to the size of tensile samples, large quantities of raw materials are needed for production. If the tensile coupons produced are larger than the components being printed, this can result in even more money lost.
Machining and testing samples can be costly, particularly if the process is outsourced. Beyond these direct expenses, delays in testing mean AM printers sit unused, resulting in further financial loss for each day they stay idle.
Tensile testing is often an iterative process. Multiple tests mean more samples, more machining, and more money spent. If the first round of results doesn’t offer reliable data, the whole process restarts, extending the project timeline and increasing costs.
Standard tensile coupons require extended build times, which can tie-up printers for hours. If the tensile sample is larger than the components you’re printing, it monopolises valuable machine time, delaying the production of actual parts.
Serious delays are introduced through long testing and machining queues. If in-house resources are busy or machining has to be outsourced, this step can often take several weeks, adding stress to project timelines.
After testing, the wait isn’t over. Data interpretation can be a slow process if more outsourcing is required for repeat rounds of testing. Each round of testing can add weeks, further slowing down decision-making and project progression.
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Meet PIP testing (Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry), an accurate method for obtaining stress-strain curves non-destructively for AM builds.
By avoiding complex sample preparation and delivering results in just a few minutes.
By reducing material requirements by up to 99%
By enabling testing on samples as small as a nail head.
Join our team of application engineers to get a first-hand look at how PIP can enhance your data and streamline your materials testing workflow.