Discover the key differences between PIP and hardness testing

PIP vs hardness testing
PIP testing (Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry) is the test method that drives the PLX-Benchtop, a compact mechanical testing system that measures metal stress-strain curves and hardness numbers in just a few minutes.
While there are some commonalities between PIP and hardness testing, major differences lie in the data delivered by each method.
Explore a comparison of the PLX-Benchtop and hardness test machines to see which is the best indentation-based testing technology for you.
Why is a stress-strain curve better than a hardness number?
This is not true of the stress-strain curve which is a far more meaningful measure of a material's strength characteristics. A stress-strain curve reveals many of the fundamental mechanical properties of a metal such as its yield stress, its hardening behaviour, and the ultimate tensile strength. These properties are used to accurately determine how materials and components behave structurally under loads, and feed data into finite element models, engineering design calculations, life extension calculations and more.
Read more in our technical blog article
Explore our products
Compact and easy to use, the PLX-Benchtop extracts metal stress-strain curves in just a few minutes from small and irregular specimens, and maps properties across parts or welds.

An add-on module to the PLX-Benchtop that generates stress-strain curves at temperatures up to 800 °C in minutes.

Extract metal asset yield and tensile strength quickly, reliably, and non-destructively, with industry-leading accuracy.